The overused exploitation storyline, a woman getting raped and getting revenge (I Spit on Your Grave, Savage Streets and a hundred others), except in this film the she gets raped TWICE in one day. Rather than purely seeking out her attackers, she takes her fury out on men almost at random. The protagonist being a mute is a nice touch. It is low budget and the gore is unrealistic red paint. The acting is camp OTT and often falls into comedy with her neighbour being particularly ridiculous/hilarious, though the film also has some genuinely creepy moments. The cinematography is good, with the dénouement being particularly stylish. The soundtrack is also typical 80s horror but effective, with a bit of jazz thrown in. A hundred times more entertaining than the awful Driller Killer.
Ferrara does a lot with very little here. Most of the acting may be a bit campy or wooden, but Zoe Tamerlis is excellent in her mostly wordless role, and the film is fast-paced, eerie and technically very well done. Add a memorable Halloween party shoot-out, and you've got a mini-classic on your hands.