Like most Ray Dennis Steckler films it starts off as one genre, in this case a straight crime drama and ends up as something completely different. Lonnie Lord (Vin Saxon) is a rock & roll star whose girlfriend, Cee Bee Beaumont (Carolyn Brandt) gets kidnapped. Lonnie and his sidekick, Titus Twimbly (Titus Moede) step into a closet and emerge as Rat Pfink and Boo-Boo, two costumed crime fighters who look a lot like Batman and Robin, and go about rescuing Cee Bee. It’s very low budget and stars the director’s friends and family. Its silliness is fun for a while but its obvious slapstick comedy seems more appropriate for 5 year olds and just isn’t very funny. It does however have a great rockabilly soundtrack.
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